The General Deputy Director of Agricultural Production Means and OEVV of MAPA, Bibiana Mª Fernández Sedó, reviewed the national regulations on fertilizer products in her presentation, arousing a lot of interest and doubts about the application of the regulations that have been resolved and can be consulted at
There have been many doubts that have been raised by those attending the I International Forum of Agricultural Microorganisms Microbiome as a result of the uncertainty opened by the new legislation on phytosanitary products, and how it has affected the use of microorganisms.
Questions related to the tools that allow microorganisms to be certified as fertilizer or phytosanitary according to the new regulations (RD 999/2007 or 506/2013 of commercialization), doubts related to the technical file, concepts such as agronomic efficacy, testing, etc. all of them resolved in a practical way by the speaker, which can be consulted at the following link: PRESENTATION ON MICRO-ORGANISMS IN THE LEGISLATION ON FERTILIZER PRODUCTS
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