The I International Forum of Microorganisms applied to agriculture will be held on May 29 and 30 at the El Batel Auditorium in Cartagena.
Organized by Agromarketing and Ideagro, it will be attended by leading international experts in the field, from research centers and reference companies.
The I International Forum of Microorganisms - Microbiome - will be held at the El Batel Auditorium in Cartagena on May 29 and 30, 2019. More than 30 experts will present all the international news on the application of microorganisms in agriculture.
Some of the confirmed and published speakers on the official website are experts from the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, University of Lisbon, German Center For Integrative Biodiversity Research, Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Cebas-Csic, Etsiam Córdoba, San Pablo CEU University or the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain.
The United States, Austria, France, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay or Mexico, in addition to Spain, are some of the countries of origin of the professionals already registered, as well as the experts invited to the Forum, belonging to leading international research centers and leading multinationals in the sector.
In addition, the Forum already has the following leading companies in the sector as sponsors: Probelte, Kenogard, Viagro, Alltech, Symborg, Green Universe, Orgánicos Pedrín, Bayer and Ceres Biotics.
Open enrollment
The technical program of the Forum, which will be published shortly, is structured in four thematic blocks divided into two technical conferences and will have simultaneous translation (Spanish and English).
The first of the blocks will deal with current legislation regarding the use of microorganisms, both in Europe and in Spain, regarding their registration and use.
There will be a second block focused on fertilizers of microbial origin, addressing the use of fungi and bacteria and their physiological effects on the crop and soil health, and on the specific development of particularities in the mode of action and management, especially the free-living environmental nitrogen-fixing microorganisms and symbionts, and nutrient solubilizers.
Another block will focus on microorganisms as a tool for the control of pests and diseases, while it will conclude with a last block dedicated to biostimulants of microbial origin. The inscriptions to attend Microbioma, are already open on the official website where, in addition, companies can ask for information how to be present at the event.